Page 20 - CrystalCreek_2024Guide
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ADDITIONAL                                           Nutrition Services

               DAIRY PRODUCTS

               Crystal Creek® Aloe Vera Juice (Liquid) ........ 79
               Aspire  (Whey Product) .......................... 85
               Check  (Capsule, Bulk Powder) .................. 82
               Cow Quench  (Oral Drench) ..................... 31
               Crystal Pellets  (Pellets w/Aloe Vera) ............ 78
               Fly Repellent (Topical) ........................... 91
               Fresh-N-Easy  (Capsule) ........................ 27
               Fuse 207  (50 lb. bag) .......................... 101
               Lice & Mange Wash (Topical) ................... 93
               Lini-Rub  (Liniment) ............................ 88  The Crystal Creek ® dairy nutrition team works
               Maxcalibur  (Capsule)  .......................... 85  with you to understand the goals you’ve set
               Nutri-Vit  (Powder) .............................. 81  for your herd and partners with you to make
               Pivot-FL  (Bulk Powder) ......................... 80
               Power Powder  (Capsule, Bulk Powder) ......... 84    those goals a reality. The Crystal Creek ® Dairy
               Prism  (Abscesses, Cuts & Infections) ............ 92  Nutrition Model believes that nutrition programs
               Pul-Mate  (Dry/Tea) ............................. 83  should improve the profitability of the dairy
               Saf-Cal  (Oral Drench) .......................... 28  producer in a sustainable manner. Our model
               Super Boost  (Capsule/Bulk Powder) ............ 30   is built on the principles of healthy animals
               Udder Fancy  (Topical Salve) .................... 88
               Vet. Dairy Liniment  (Udder Care) .............. 86  and optimizing ruminant digestive function.
               Wound Spray (Minor Skin Abrasions) ............ 92
                                                                    Our nutritionists balance rations using local
                                                                    grains and on farm forages. Crystal Creek ® is
                                                                    not a feed mill and we do not mix feed or sell
                                                                    commodities. Crystal Creek ® professional ration
                                                                    balancing and nutritional consulting services
                                                                    are free with qualifying mineral purchases.

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