



A supplement providing direct-fed microorganisms, Vitamin E and flavoring for all classes of dairy, beef, sheep, goats, swine and poultry

Seasonal transitions can present many challenges to livestock. Adjusting to environmental changes can increase nutritional requirements significantly. Pivot–FL™ provides a unique balance of yeast cultures, kelp, mineral, vitamins and microbials to support livestock for optimum performance during significant environmental transition. Pivot–FL™ is typically used in late spring/early summer and again in late fall/early winter.

Good For Use“Consider For Use” On Organic Farms*
*Verify product compliance with your organic certification agency before using any Crystal Creek® product.

5 lb. pail… $58.00, 25 lb. box…$225.00

Crude Protein (Min.) 20.0% Copper (Min.)        6 ppm
Crude Fat (Min.)   0.75% Copper (Max.)        9 ppm
Crude Fiber (Max.)   8.0% Vitamin E (Min.)   1,615 IU/lb.

Contains a source of live (viable), naturally occurring micro-organisms:  Minimum value of 20 Billion CFU/lb.  (Lactobacillus acidophilus Minimum value 10 Billion CFU/lb., Enterococcus faecium Minimum value 10 Billion CFU/lb.)

One scoop is approximately 4 oz. (Fill to the one cup line, not level full).

Dairy, Beef, Sheep, Goats, Swine:  Feed 1 oz. per 100 lb. of body weight per day, up to 400 lb.  For animals over 400  lb. of body weight feed 4 oz./hd./day, once a day, for two to seven days as needed. Repeat in three weeks.

Poultry: Feed 1/4 to 1 oz.  per 100 lb. of bird body weight once per day as needed. Repeat in three weeks.  Call Crystal Creek® at 1-888-376-6777 for specific rate instructions.

CAUTION:  Contains Garlic.  Do not feed to horses or dogs.  

CAUTION:  Copper Warning:  Contains naturally occurring levels of copper.  Take into consideration when feeding to sheep.