Udder Velvet™

Original price was: $22.50.Current price is: $20.25.

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A botanical additive for teat dips to support healthy teat condition

Udder Velvet™ is a botanical formula that can be added to any teat dip to support rapid healing of chapped/irritated teats and teat ends. Udder Velvet is a low inclusion concentrate that gives direct aid to skin at the cellular level to help reduce the risk of chapping and support teat end health.

Click here to listen to the great benefits Crystal Creek® Udder Care Products can offer your livestock:


Good For Use“Consider For Use” On Organic Farms*
*Verify product compliance with your organic certification agency before using any Crystal Creek® product.

Size: 16 oz. bottle

Add 1/2 to 2 ounces per gallon of teat dip as needed.

CAUTION: Not for human use.