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Ask The Vet / Ask The Nutritionist

We see sporadic outbreaks of ringworm in our livestock and can’t seem to get rid of it. What exactly causes ringworm and how can we prevent it?”  

-Puzzled in Pennsylvania

There are many producers across the nation who experience bouts of ringworm and struggle to get rid of it. Ringworm is caused by a contagious fungus called Trichophyton verrucosum. This fungus spreads easily throughout groups of livestock, especially those housed indoors. The spores multiply and spread rapidly, and can be picked up anywhere in the environment. Once an animal comes into contact with the spores, they irritate the skin and cause an infection.

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Ask The Vet / Ask The Nutritionist

Click here to view as a pdf:  Ask The Vet Ask The Nutritionist

We provide our calves with a clean maternity pen to be born in, good quality colostrum at birth and a sound nutrition program as they grow but we still have outbreaks of scours.  We work hard to keep our calf pens clean and have developed a good vaccination program with our veterinarian. What are we missing?”

-Wondering from Minnesota

Congratulations on providing your calves with a healthy start to their lives. The three most common areas for exposure of newborn calves to harmful pathogens are 1) the maternity pen, 2) the calf hutch/housing and 3) feeding utensils, bottles and pails. Read More →

Pre-Engineered Tube Ventilation Systems

Click here to view as a pdf:  Pre-Engineered Tube Ventilation Systems

Ryan Leiterman

By Ryan Leiterman, D.V.M.

What are the benefits of a pre-engineered positive pressure tube system?

Crystal Creek® is now handling pre-engineered tube systems. These duct systems have reduced set up and production time, lower material waste and use bulk shipments for lower freight costs; making the ducts less expensive when compared to a customized duct. Pre-engineered duct systems do not require a ventilation designer to engineer the system, further reducing costs.

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Swift Start® Calf Feeding Challenge

Click here to view as a pdf:  Swift Start Calf Feeding Challenge


By Teresa Marker, B.S.

The ultimate goal for calf raisers is to raise a healthy, profitable replacement for their herd. Crystal Creek’s Swift Start® Calf & Heifer Program consistently provides the jump start calves need to become a productive part of the herd. The Swift Start® program consists of a line of milk replacers, texturized calf feeds, calf pellets and calf and heifer minerals that are formulated with industry leading technology and manufactured with the highest quality ingredients available. Calf raisers on Crystal Creek’s Swift Start® Calf & Heifer Program see less scours, better average daily gains and smooth transitions after weaning.

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Ask The Vet / Ask The Nutritionist

Click here to view as a pdf:  Ask The Vet / Ask The Nutritionist

Based on your experience, what practices do you see successful calf raisers implementing on their farms?”

 Our best calf raisers excel because they all focus on their colostrum, bedding and sanitation programs. Although each of these management topics can be an entire article in and of themselves, below are some QUICK TIPS for calf raisers:

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The Importance Of Calf Bedding

Click here to view as a pdf:  The Importance Of Calf Bedding

By Kaylee Viney

Livestock Specialist

The investment made in young stock and heifers sets the groundwork for future herd performance. There is new research in the industry on how calf bedding not only affects the health and growth of young calves, but its significant impact on future milk production. Bedding type and management have higher importance when faced with cold weather challenges.

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