April 2015 Newsletter
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Click here to view as a pdf: April 2015 Newsletter
Click here to view as a pdf: Introducing Crystal Creek®’s Inoc-U-Lock™ Buchneri
By Dan Leiterman
The very foundation of profitable livestock production relies on feeding high quality feedstuffs. Also, the need to feed high quality forages which are critical to a healthy bottom line for any dairy or beef producer, is a well understood principle in the industry. Over the years research has shown that applying a good inoculant to feedstuffs at the time of ensiling can provide a significant return on investment for the producer. A well designed inoculant program will help speed fermentation to reduce dry matter loss, reduce protein degradation, reduce lost energy (sugars), stabilize the face quality and improve bunk shelf life. Additional benefits include enhanced dry matter intake, improved feedstuff digestibility, improved milk and meat production and ultimately improved profits for the producer. Using a good inoculant like Inoc-U-Lock™ is a smart business decision. The focus of this article is to explain the Inoc-U-Lock™ controlled fermentation process and to describe where the L. buchneri bacteria may fit into your program.
Click here to view as a pdf: Get Your Spring Chicks Off To A Good Start
By Julie Wadzinski, B.S.
Across the country, more and more people are discovering the joys of maintaining their own backyard chicken flock. For many backyard flock owners, knowing where their meat and eggs come from, coupled with the security and self reliance of having control of their food source is important. Even in many urban settings, city residents find that local ordinances allow for a small flock of chickens. It is not uncommon, for new people being introduced to chickens, to begin their flock by purchasing peeping chicks. When it comes to chick rearing, there are four key management areas to focus on: Temperature, Water, Feed and Lighting.
Click here to view as a pdf: Are You And Your Cows Ready For Summer
By Teresa Marker, B.S.
It is hard to believe summer is just around the corner. Spring is a great time to prepare your animals for the challenges of summer. Below are some tips and strategies that will help your herd maintain its production and keep components up in the heat of the summer.
Click here to view as a pdf: Ask the Vet and Ask the Nutritionist
By Lorrie Meister, CVT
“Sometimes our calves break out with scours for what appears to be no reason. Our Vet has ruled out pathogens and viruses. What could be causing this?”
~A concerned calf raiser in Minnesota~
While pathogens are some of the most common causes of calf scours, there are other factors that are often overlooked. Simple changes in management can many times correct these types of scours once the source of stress is found. Two common causes of digestive stress are feeding milk at an incorrect temperature or concentration.
Click here to view as a pdf: Managing Dairy Cow Foot Health With Nutrition
By Dr. John Popp, PhD.
A cow with poor foot health eats less, produces less milk and is less profitable. Throughout the course of the year, as many as half of the cows on a farm can experience some form of lameness, be it mild or severe. While not all forms of lameness can be prevented, it is important to realize that causes can be multiple and sometimes cumulative. What starts as a simple ‘ouch’ on a foot…perhaps even a slight aggravation, which could take little recovery, may be exacerbated by stress, low immune function, poor cow comfort, lack of proper supportive management or nutrition. Regular foot care and good footing are also important to the formula for good foot health. The intent of this article is to discuss how specific nutrients and ration strategies can best support good foot health.
Click here to view as a pdf: Are You Building A New Calf Barn
Dr. Ryan Leiterman holds degrees in both Agricultural Engineering and Veterinary Medicine.
By Ryan Leiterman, D.V.M.
Spring is an excellent time to plan your upcoming construction projects. Across the United States, more and more farms are investing in new calf raising facilities. Some of the more common calf barn designs incorporate naturally ventilated, curtain sidewall barns. Whether looking at a new barn for an automated calf feeder or individual pens, there are many aspects that need to be considered when designing the layout. Stocking density and animal flow, bedding and manure cleanout, feed delivery considerations, electrical and plumbing needs all should be evaluated.