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Ask The Vet / Ask The Nutritionist

Click here to view as a pdf:  Ask The Vet Ask The Nutritionist

We provide our calves with a clean maternity pen to be born in, good quality colostrum at birth and a sound nutrition program as they grow but we still have outbreaks of scours.  We work hard to keep our calf pens clean and have developed a good vaccination program with our veterinarian. What are we missing?”

-Wondering from Minnesota

Congratulations on providing your calves with a healthy start to their lives. The three most common areas for exposure of newborn calves to harmful pathogens are 1) the maternity pen, 2) the calf hutch/housing and 3) feeding utensils, bottles and pails. Read More →

Give Your Dog An Advantage With Canine Health Forward

Click here to view as a pdf:  Give Your Dog An Advantage With Canine Health Forward

By Erik Brettingen, B.S.

In the dog food world today, consumers are bombarded with countless dog food formulas all claiming to be the best for their dog. Many of these formulas are based on creative marketing plans that are designed to appeal to the pet owner, but actual nutritional value for the dog is put on the back burner compared to other factors like cost, ingredient availability, and human emotion.

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Vitamins And Minerals Are Key For Optimum Livestock Performance

Click here to view as a pdf:  Vitamins And Minerals Are Key For Optimum Livestock Performance

By Jessica Getschel, B.S.

The conversations between producers and nutritionists regarding livestock mineral intake generally focus on two areas: 1) What mineral blend will most efficiently balance the dietary and performance needs of the animals and 2) How that mineral will be fed. When it comes to mineral delivery, special attention should be paid to how the mineral is physically consumed by the animal and, just as importantly, how the individual mineral components are utilized inside the body, i.e., the bioavailability of the mineral ingredients.

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Pre-Engineered Tube Ventilation Systems

Click here to view as a pdf:  Pre-Engineered Tube Ventilation Systems

Ryan Leiterman

By Ryan Leiterman, D.V.M.

What are the benefits of a pre-engineered positive pressure tube system?

Crystal Creek® is now handling pre-engineered tube systems. These duct systems have reduced set up and production time, lower material waste and use bulk shipments for lower freight costs; making the ducts less expensive when compared to a customized duct. Pre-engineered duct systems do not require a ventilation designer to engineer the system, further reducing costs.

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Embracing Change

Click here to view as a pdf:  Embracing Change

By Rob Adler

As a newcomer to the agricultural industry I am refreshed by the number of times I hear one of our nutritionists or livestock specialists say, “My producer is excited about the positive results from the changes we made.”

Before joining Crystal Creek®, I spent 24 years in manufacturing. When I entered the manufacturing industry in the early 90’s the business culture was, “if it worked in the past it will continue to work today.” That mindset caused many of the processes, technologies, and building infrastructures to remain unchanged for a number of decades. When global competition heightened in the early 2000’s, many manufacturers found themselves uncompetitive resulting in the loss of jobs, bankruptcy, or jobs moved overseas.

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Dairy Goats Benefit From High Quality Nutrition

Click here to view as a pdf:  Dairy Goats Benefit From High Quality Nutrition

By Dan Leiterman

Goats are competent browsers, which leads to the misconception that goats can eat and thrive on almost anything. In reality, because goats have a shorter digestive system relative to their body size, food is not retained as long. This increases the need for both higher levels of nutrition and higher quality nutrients. This faster digestive pass through time, reduces nutrient absorption, but also allows goats the ability to increase their dry matter intake to offset the short access time to nutrition. The range of dry matter intake for goats is 3 to 5 % of their body weight which is typically higher than other ruminants.1

A goat’s diet may consist of a wide variety of feedstuffs. Goats can browse on shrubs, graze on pasture and can accommodate supplemental grain feeding when necessary to meet nutritional requirements during times of higher production or winter months.

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Understanding Biofilms In Agriculture

Click here to view as a pdf:  Understanding Biofilms In Agriculture1

By Jessica Dercks, B.S.

In agriculture today, sanitation technique and protocol implementation have become more important than ever before. An increased awareness of health benefits gained from a clean environment has stimulated a higher standard of cleaning expectations. Many producers not only strive to remove organic matter from surfaces, but also microbial buildup; more accurately, biofilms.

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