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Dr. Leiterman to Present at Indiana Dairy Producer’s Forum


Indiana Dairy Producer’s Dairy Forum

February 1st-2nd, 2017

French Lick Springs Hotel
8670 W. State Road 56
French Lick, IN  47432

The Indiana Dairy Producers Forum will host a number of speakers, including Dr. Ryan Leiterman from Crystal Creek®.  Speakers will present information on various dairy topics ranging from livestock nutrition to robotic milking.

Dr. Leiterman will be facilitating a panel discussion for attendees highlighting producer’s successful first hand experiences with calf care and feeding strategies that have been implemented on their operations.  Dr. Leiterman will help highlight these successful techniques and incorporate additional tips for calf rearing from a veterinarian’s perspective.

The Indiana Dairy Producers mission statement is:  “To promote a profitable, positive, professional image of dairy producers while providing educational opportunities for the interchange of ideas and to speak as a proactive voice for Indiana Dairy Producers”.  They can be found online at:
