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3 Common Calf Barn Ventilation Questions Answered

Click here to view as a pdf:  3 Common Calf Barn Ventilation Questions Answered

By Ryan Leiterman, D.V.M
Director of Technical Services

I have been fascinated with calf barn ventilation for more than a decade; to the point where I have made its study the focus of much of my professional career. Calf raisers around the world often have the same questions when it comes to ventilation and this article will discuss the three most common calf barn ventilation questions I receive. Interestingly enough, the questions themselves are often more complicated than their associated answers.

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Dry Cow Nutrition and Management: The Key to Quality Colostrum

Click here to view as a pdf:  Dry Cow Nutrition and Management

By Erik Brettingen, B.S.

Colostrum is one of the most important factors in raising healthy calves. Besides assuring a healthy start to the calf’s life, colostrum is known to have positive effects that increase a calf’s potential as a 1st lactation heifer. Colostrum is commonly credited for providing antibodies like immunoglobulin G (IgG), but it also supplies hormones, white blood cells and calories. With colostrum being such a vital component of calf health, it is of paramount importance that cows produce adequate volumes of high-quality colostrum. Dry cow vaccination protocols, management practices, and most importantly, dry cow nutrition, all have far-reaching influences on colostrum production and colostrum quality. Guidelines for measuring colostrum quality can be found in the calf section of Crystal Creek’s annual product catalog.

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Nutrient Deficiencies in Small Ruminants

Click here to view as a pdf:  Nutrient Deficiencies in Small Ruminants

By Alex Austin, B.S.

A balanced diet is important for the health and productivity of all livestock. This article will discuss some of the more common nutrient deficiencies/imbalances in both sheep and goats. Minerals, specifically, are all connected and work together to keep animals healthy and productive. An excess or deficiency of one can lead to imbalances in another, causing potential health issues. For example, excess calcium can cause the blood vessels to lose vascular tone and eventually rupture. Potassium works with sodium to regulate the body’s water balance. It is important to be able to identify any signs of imbalance in order to correct and prevent issues in a herd.

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Colostrum: More Than Just Antibodies

Click here to view as a pdf:  Colostrum More Than Just Antibodies

By Cassy Golburg, B.A.
Livestock Specialist

The benefits of colostrum in regards to antibodies are well known. Colostrum has many other qualities to offer including high-calorie content, valuable white blood cells and certain naturally occurring hormones. All of these components can have positive effects on a calves’ gastrointestinal health, growth, development and immune health.

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