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Interpreting The Value Of A Livestock Mineral

Click here to view as a pdf:  Interpreting The Value Of A Livestock Mineral

Customer Favorite This article was originally published in the April 2012 Issue of the Crystal Creek® Newsletter

By Dan Leiterman

The goal of this article is to offer insight in determining the value of a livestock mineral. The value can be determined by combining the information supplied on the label and visual observation of the mineral itself, along with some basic ingredient knowledge. A critical analysis will consider ingredient quality, nutrient bioavailability and possible negative, unintended consequences associated with poor ingredient quality or inappropriate formulation techniques.

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Grass Founder

Click here to view as a pdf:  Grass Founder

By Stephanie Hutsko, PhD

As the cold winter months give way to the sunshine of spring, horse owners have one thing on their mind: grass. The return of lush, green pastures means that our equine friends can once again graze the day away, but this fresh grass poses a potentially life-threatening problem: grass founder.

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Crystal Creek® Foundation Grain Mix: Innovative Nutrition For All Livestock

Click here to view as a pdf:  Crystal Creek Foundation Grain Mix

By Alex Austin, B.S.

Crystal Creek® is excited to offer an innovative approach to providing quality nutrition to your livestock. Crystal Creek® Foundation Grain Mix is a new product offering high grade grains resulting in excellent performance nutrition. Pairing Crystal Creek® Foundation Grain Mix with the appropriate Crystal Creek® mineral will provide a superior quality complete feed.


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Understanding Biofilms In Agriculture – Republished as a Customer Favorite

Click here to view as a pdf:  Understanding Biofilms In Agriculture Customer Favorite1

Customer Favorite This article was originally published in the April 2017 Issue of the Crystal Creek® Newsletter

By:  Jessica Getschel, B.S.

In agriculture today, sanitation technique and protocol implementation have become more important than ever before. An increased awareness of health benefits gained from a clean environment has stimulated a higher standard of cleaning expectations. Many producers not only strive to remove organic matter from surfaces, but also microbial buildup; more accurately, biofilms.

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We Can Help

Click here to view as a pdf:  We Can Help

By Teresa Marker, B.S.

Many customers are aware of the high quality products Crystal Creek® offers, but may not be aware of the consulting services that are available. Crystal Creek® prides itself on having a professional and experienced technical support staff that are able to consult on multiple species. This staff consists of a large animal veterinarian, PhD Nutritionists, livestock nutritionists, a certified veterinary technician, livestock specialists and ventilation specialists. Our staff members come with diverse backgrounds and years of experience and are continually researching new ideas and concepts to share with our customers.

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North Central Ohio Dairy Grazing Conference

Dr. Ryan Leiterman will be speaking at the North Central Ohio Dairy Grazing Conference, Thursday, January 24th and Friday, January 25th in Mt. Hope, Ohio. Dr. Leiterman will be discussing transition cow management techniques on Thursday afternoon and tips for achieving more profitability with your dairy operation on Friday, January 25th.  The conference is organized by the Small Farm Institute and the Conference fee includes Registration, Breaks/Vendor Show, Meals and Networking.  This is an excellent opportunity to meet and learn with industry professionals and fellow grazing advocates.


Ventilating A Retrofitted Stanchion Barn For Calves

Click here to view as a pdf:  Ventilating A Retrofitted Stanchion Barn For Calves

By Jessica Getschel, B.S.

There’s nothing more picturesque than a dairy farm with a big red barn on a cobblestone foundation. Many of these barns, referred to as stanchion, tiestall or bank barns, were built decades ago and tell stories of families who have been dairy farming for generations.

Over the years, many farmers have moved out of these older barns and into modern freestall barns for a variety of reasons: expanding herd size, new cow comfort recommendations or a new milking system, to name a few. This departure leaves a vacant building prized for its emotional value to the farm.

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Recognizing The Need For Disinfection In Your Poultry Operation

Click here to view as a pdf:  Recognizing The Need For Disinfection In Your Poultry Operation 

By Stephanie Hutsko, PhD

Why do we need to have a disinfection plan in place when working with livestock, especially poultry? One word: pathogens.

Pathogens are bacteria or viruses that, when exposure levels are high enough, can cause disease. When bacteria are left uncontrolled, their numbers grow quickly, wreaking havoc on the birds exposed to them. A common parasite associated with poultry, Eimeria sp, can lead to coccidiosis. Common bacteria associated with poultry include Salmonella and E. coli, both of which can lead to food safety concerns. The main poultry viruses we are concerned about are Newcastle disease, Marek’s disease and Avian Influenza.

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